Kluby HR

HR Strategy club - Digit change for HR : Culture, retention & recruitment

NOVÁ GALERIE, Balbínova 26,, 120 00, Praha
See on map

Jazyk :

Cena : 250 CZK (member)
500 CZK (non member)


Akce již skončila

When a company decide to accelerate their digitalisation, that decision has an HR impact.

When a company decide to accelerate their digitalisation, that decision has an HR impact.
Employees need to embrace change, get necessary support and be reinsured about their job retention.
Future recruit will need to be tech savvy in addition of their specific skills and successfully address retention





Chloupková MartinaHuman Resources Director, Edenred

Dupaux SergeHead of Innovation Business Development and Project supervision at Creative Dock

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